Oh My Venus Ep 15 Eng Sub

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Oh My Venus: Episode 15

Oh My Venus Ep 14 Eng Sub

Meanwhile, Kim Young Ho (So Ji Sub). She struggles emotionally with the discovery that Woo Sik left her for Oh Soo Jin. Jan 4, 2016 - Oh My Venus Episode 15 Eng Sub Oh My Venus Episode 15 Oh My Venus Ep 15 Eng Sub Oh My Venus Ep 15 Oh My Venus Episode 15.

There are quite a lot of loose ends for our hero to tie up, heading into our last week. Foremost is re-establishing a long-neglected relationship, but luckily for our guy, he’s got a lot of cute on his side to soften his ladylove’s heart. But it’s not just her he’s got to charm, and she’s got some charming of her own to worry about.


Joo-eun agrees to stay with Young-ho on the night of his birthday party, Christmas Eve. He shows her that he kept the bandage she stuck on his hospital door, and thinks how sorry he is to have kept her waiting for him. She asks what his birthday wish was, but he says it wasn’t for him, but for her — he wished that she wouldn’t get sick.

She snuggles into him and he says he hopes they can spend a relaxed, warm night together. But Joo-eun has other ideas, and when Young-ho kisses her chastely on the forehead, she goes in as if for a real kiss, but lays her head on his chest instead.

Young-ho starts to look uncomfortable and asks if this isn’t a bit intense for a “warm” night, and Joo-eun jokes that she’s used to cuddling with You Bastard like this at night. Lucky sloth. She chastises Young-ho for coming back looking so sexy, rubbing his chest and tapping his chin, and Young-ho can’t take it anymore.

He takes back his “warm night” comment, and says almost desperately and in a strained voice, “Erotic night, okay??” Joo-eun gives him the okay, and that’s all it takes for him to flip her over, complaining that she seduced him first. Joo-eun just says they seduced each other, and pulls him down for kisses and other shenanigans.

Oh My Venus Ep 15 Eng Sub

They’re both reluctant to wake in the morning, and Joo-eun sleepily pokes Young-ho just to make sure last night wasn’t a dream. She makes him promise to see her all the time from now on, which he easily agrees to, and they cuddle in for more sleep.

Joo-eun wakes again later to find Young-ho awake and staring at her, and whines that she’s hungry. He jokes that she’d better get dressed if she wants to eat, otherwise it could be an erotic day as well. Sounds like an excellent plan to me, but Joo-eun gets dressed and goes down to breakfast.

She adds some seaweed soup to the meal as a surprise for his birthday, but he’s more worried about her thyroid with this kind of salty food. She tells him that as of a month ago, she’s off the medications, because she’s gotten to such a healthy place on her own — or well, with his help.

Young-ho sincerely congratulates her on getting healthier (and sexier), and Joo-eun reminds him that she can do anything she sets her mind to. She gives an overwrought fake speech about overcoming hypothyroidism even in the face of immense stress, and declares herself now to be Kim Young-ho’s Daegu Venus.

They spend a relaxing morning in, watching television and cuddling, until Young-ho gets a naughty glint in his eye and says he needs to check something. He sneaks up on Joo-eun until she’s laying on her back… and we cut to them doing planks in the workout room. HAHA, leave it to Young-ho to focus on exercise. There’s more than one way to exercise, you know!

Young-ho sticks to the conventional way, to Joo-eun’s annoyance. She spends the day distracted by watching him work out, even getting turned on when he gulps a drink — but when he finally props her on the table and goes in for the kill, her mother calls. HA, he actually apologizes under his breath to her mom and covers up all his exposed skin.

Mom’s in Seoul, at Joo-eun’s place, and she and Young-ho are both disappointed when she has to go. He drives her home and proposes that they make up for lost dating time, and she promises to be twice as happy. Young-ho starts to ask if he should met her mother, but Joo-eun says there’s time for that later. She goes in, and Young-ho has big puffy hearts in his eyes as he watches her go.

Joo-eun finds that her mother has brought about a year’s worth of food with her, and she passes off the fact that she’s still in last night’s party dress by saying she went to a wedding. Of course, this turns out to be a mistake, as it gives Mom an opening to berate her for not getting married herself. Mom wants to meet this guy she knows Joo-eun is dating, but Joo-eun puts her off until later.

Joo-eun goes to the office for a meeting, which turns out to be a sexual assault case. The accused wants to settle, as he works for the government, and Soo-jin initially appears to be amenable to the idea. But she gives Joo-eun a pointed look, and that’s Joo-eun’s cue to turn on a video in which the accused is shown assaulting the woman, right on camera. Boo-yah.

Young-ho’s grandmother apparently does care about Stepmom and Young-joon, at least a little, because she gets a report on what they’re doing these days. Her lackey also tells her about Joo-eun, her background and where she works.

Back at Joo-eun’s meeting, the accused goes white as a ghost while his lawyer tries to pretend the video isn’t of his client. Soo-jin says they also have an audio file that’s being analyzed to prove who the people in the film are, as well as other videos with other women. Since they were uploaded to the internet, they’re free game to be used in court. There will be no settlement.

After the meeting, Joo-eun notices Soo-jin’s ring, and also that Soo-jin doesn’t seem to feel well. Soo-jin deflectes and asks about Young-ho, seeming genuinely happy for Joo-eun. Joo-eun brings up a sensitive subject –- that Soo-jin seems too thin, and she asks her to eat more.

Again Soo-jin tries to smile it away, but Joo-eun warns her to go to the doctor, or she’ll drag her there herself. Soo-jin chirps a cheerful “Happy New Year,” but as soon as she’s out of Joo-eun’s sight, she wilts and holds her stomach as if it hurts.

She ignores a call from Woo-shik, so he texts that she’s not eating much lately, and invites her out to eat. In her car, Soo-jin downs more pills, clutching her stomach again. She calls what sounds like a doctor’s office, asking to be seen today.

Awww, Young-ho is so excited when Joo-eun calls him, and he tells her that he sent Ji-woong and Joon-sung to her house with a fruit basket to keep her mom company. Evidently, Ji-woong and Joo-eun’s mom are still great friends, which is adorable. Joo-eun arrives home to find the three playing a cutthroat game of Go-Stop, ha.

Soo-jin finally answers Woo-shik’s call and says that she was just in a meeting earlier, and he’s very concerned that she’s not eating like she claims. He asks her where she is and she lies that she’s at the office, not realizing that he’s watching her from a few parking spaces away.

He follows her into the hospital and to the gynecology department, where she’s apparently already had tests done and wants to know her results. Woo-shik smiles to himself, probably thinking she’s having his baby, but I fear it may be something far worse.

Joo-eun joins the Go-Stop game (I love how Ji-woong calls her mother “Ma’am’s Mommy”) and soon the doorbell rings. It’s Young-ho, carrying flowers and takeout and looking downright terrified. Joo-eun lets him in to meet Mom, and warns him not to laugh, because Mom’s wearing his clothes he left behind. But he puts her hand over his racing heart, declaring himself too preoccupied to laugh.

He’s killing me in his adorable tie/sweater/jacket set all scared to death, but he still jokes that it’s a good thing he changed or he’d be wearing the same outfit as Mom. PFFT. Joon-sung gets the hint and skedaddles Ji-woong out of there. It’s so cute how the boys both ask Mom to be nice to Young-ho.

By the “I’m being naughty right now” look in Mom’s eye, she’s having way too much fun sizing Young-ho up and letting him sweat, and she finally asks him if he plans to keep dating Joo-eun. When he stammers out a nervous yes, she’s all Okay then, and that’s that. You can practically see the color rush back to his face, ha.

Soo-jin is sitting up in bed that night, looking like the weight of the world is on her shoulders, when Woo-shik lets himself in. He brings porridge but she has no appetite, and goes for the presents he brought instead. She opens one and finds little baby-sized booties, and Woo-shik confesses that he saw her at the hospital.

Soo-jin tells him that she’s not pregnant — in fact, she never will be. Marriage and kids would only cut into her career, which she says is her priority, but it’s obvious she’s fighting back tears. Woo-shik notices that she’s also taken off her engagement ring, and now he grows nervous. He tries to get her to talk to him, but she just yells at him to leave. He does, and she starts to cry before he’s even left her apartment.

We see now that the doctor told Soo-jin that she has polycystic overy syndrome (basically, a hormone imbalance that interferes with reproduction) and that she’ll have difficulty trying to conceive a child. The doctor also asks about her antidepressant use, saying that they can affect things as well. Soo-jin says that she hasn’t taken them for a couple of months, only her anemia meds.

The doctor kindly tells her that it won’t be easy, but with time and treatment, she may someday have a child. But she can’t promise anything, and “have hope” isn’t something Soo-jin can do easily.

Late that night, Young-ho texts Joo-eun and says that she’s a lot like her mom. He warns her that his family won’t be so easy to deal with, but Joo-eun just fires back that she’s not that easy, either. But anything is better than not seeing him. He invites her to go on a date outside of Seoul tomorrow, and fake-cries that he can’t spend tonight with her too.

The next day they go to the temple where his mother’s memorial stands, and I love how Joo-eun gets just as nervous to meet his dead mother as he was to meet her alive one. Awww, as an avid knitter myself, it kills me that the scarf little Young-ho was making for his mother when she died is enshrined there, with the needles still in it.

Joo-eun introduces herself to Young-ho’s mother, and promises to be with him for the rest of his life. She asks for his mother’s guidance, and thanks her for giving birth to him. Now I’m crying.

Later Joo-eun contemplates her own scarf, now knowing the significance of it to Young-ho. She gets a text out of the blue from Young-ho’s grandmother, asking to meet her the next evening for dinner. She hides the message from Young-ho, instead showing him the little stone tower she made. He asks if a two-stone tower really counts as a tower, but she counters that they represent the two of them — his heart, and her heart.

They stroll through a pretty Christmas village at night, enjoying the beautiful festive lights, and take adorable selcas together. Joo-eun comments that all of the people on dates around them seem crazy in love, which Young-ho interprets to mean she’s crazy for him. He pushes her to find out just how crazy, admitting that he’s crazy, too.

He looks nervous when Joo-eun wants to leave a wish on a wall full of them, but then takes it super seriously and makes Joo-eun laugh. It takes him forever to decide what to wish for, and while he’s writing, Joo-eun remembers the one time she glimpsed his grandmother, and how severe she seemed.


When Young-ho finally emerges, Joo-eun says that her wish was pretty simple, and can be simply granted. As they walk, she waves her left hand around and comments that her hand is cold — she’s totally angling for a ring, hee. She even jokes that a bottle cap would do.

She backs off when Young-ho gives her a stern look, and he silently picks up the little ball of yarn that hangs off her scarf. He unties it and backs away, unraveling the ball, and (I knew it!) there’s a ring inside. She’s had it all along. ~sniffle~

Joo-eun looks at him with wide eyes, and reaches out to take the ring, but he lowers his end of the string so that it slides down to him. He holds it up and says that he wants to put the ring on her, so could she come a little closer? And then he holds his arms out for his hug, and Joo-eun runs into them.

Turning serious, Young-ho says, “Kang Joo-eun. I might make you a little sad. I might make it a little hard for you, too. But I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you.” Joo-eun nods her Yes, and Young-ho puts the ring on her finger. “Now Kang Joo-eun is mine.”

We see their wishes, and Joo-eun’s is to be with Young-ho. Young-ho’s wish is to be with “Oh My Venus, Kang Joo-eun.”


Aww, that was the sweetest, simplest, most perfect proposal ever. I’ll admit, I guessed when he gave her the scarf and we saw that little ball, that there would be a ring inside. But the way Young-ho presented it to Joo-eun was so great. I love how squishy and adorable Young-ho-in-love is, now that there are (almost) no obstacles stopping him from being with Joo-eun. The important thing is that his internal obstacles for being with her are gone, and he’s finally just letting himself be in love. I think he smiled more in this episode than in the whole previous fourteen episodes put together, and it was glorious.

Oh my venus ep 15 eng sub

Now that the walls between them are down, we will most likely have to deal with the final thing that could keep Young-ho and Joo-eun apart — Grandma. I’m worried that Grandma will try her hardest to get Young-ho back in her clutches, both on a company and on a personal level, and I hope that he’s found the strength in himself in the past year to resist her this time. But a part of me is also really looking forward to Joo-eun’s inevitable showdown with Grandma, because I have no doubt that Joo-eun can handle her just fine.

I do have to say that I’m definitely with many of you guys, in that I was a bit disappointed when Joo-eun just accepted Young-ho back as if a whole year hadn’t gone by without a word from him. And worse, that he just ignored her texts and messages that entire time. I do get that he had to focus, and he knew he could do that best if they weren’t together. But did he have to totally freeze her out? There was no way he could have occasionally answered her texts, or called her, and given her some hope to keep waiting for him? Okay, so maybe he was scared he’d want to run back to her. But were a couple of visits totally out of the question? I don’t really get why they couldn’t have talked and visited during that year.

At the very least, when Young-ho came back, Joo-eun should have sat him down for a very serious talk, and told him that if they were going to pick up where they left off, some things would need to change. Things like not pushing each other away in times of need, and not ignoring each other. For a woman whose biggest beef with the school friend who stole her boyfriend was that she dropped her as a friend without a word way back in college, I expected there to be at least a short “don’t you ever do that again, jerkface” talk with Young-ho. He got off way too easily, and it was out of character for Joo-eun to just let that whole year slide without even mentioning it. I suppose it’s not too late, and I know I certainly wouldn’t be marrying him (I don’t care how “sexy” he is) without a discussion about partnership and what it means. Hopefully she’s still got a little come-to-Jesus planned for Young-ho before any wedding takes place.

On the non-romantic front, seeing Soo-jin and Joo-eun working together, finally, is so gratifying. I know a lot of viewers don’t find her redeemable, and I agree there are a lot of things she’s done that have been problematic. But she’s always seemed immediately regretful whenever things went too far and Joo-eun got hurt, and I do believe them when she and Woo-shik both say they never did anything about their attraction until Woo-shik and Joo-eun broke up. You can’t help your feelings. I think they found themselves attracted, but did the right thing and waited until Woo-shik’s attachement was severed before acting on it. And if Joo-eun forgives Soo-jin, then that’s all I need to forgive her. Seeing them acting as a team, when we know they’re both extremely bright, driven women who know how to Get Things Done, is fantastic.

So I do feel bad for Soo-jin, thinking that she can never give the man she loves any children. Even though she’s got her own brand of Noble Idiocy going on, and maybe should ask Woo-shik if he even wants kids before breaking off their engagement. But I can see how she’d overreact in the face of her sorrow. But I like them together, and I hope he can get her to listen (for once) and can convince her that he’s not here for her reproductive abilities, but because he loves her for who she is. I think more than anything, she needs to know that she’s worthy of love, even if she brings nothing but herself to the table.


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Status: Subbed

Air on: Apr 20, 2016

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